Starting this Sunday, February 23, you will notice we have a new area in the back corner of the sanctuary for our children called the "Pray and Play" area where there will be soft quiet toys, coloring books, etc. for our younger members of the congregation. While this area is currently still "under construction," as we still need some items to make it fully functional (if you'd like to donate, you can do so here), in the coming weeks it will be a place for our children to go during the "quiet times" of worship (readings, prayers, sermons) We invite you to go with them to this area of the sanctuary to help keep them occupied/engaged. We will have seating there for the parents as parents are expected to supervise their children in this area at all times.
As a reminder, church is not simply a "knowledge dump," but it is a community of faith where we do life together with Jesus, and centered in that community are "the least of these" within our congregation, which Jesus himself identified as children. "Let the little children come to me and do not stop them." Worship is about centering the body of Christ and the presence of Christ among us in church. Thus we want our children to be in worship throughout the entire service as part of that worshiping body of Christ so they grow up knowing they are a loved and cherished part of the church. We also recognize certain parts of the service are still a little beyond their understanding, but they'll never learn about it if they're not there to be part of it.
The quiet room is also available for you to take your child to should they become a little more disruptive than is normal and we have the livestream running in there so you do not miss out.
As another reminder, we have a Bible Study specifically for adults to delve more in depth with God's Word separate from worship every Sunday at 9:15 in the Gathering Room. We invite any adult who wants to hear and learn about God's word distraction free to join us during that time.
For our younger children, we have lessons that compliment the scripture reading in worship during Sunday School at 9:15 am where we are including teaching some of the liturgical elements of worship, such as praying. For our older children, we have confirmation and youth group that starts at 9:15.
We want Crossroad to be a welcoming and inviting community for all who attend, no matter what phase of life they are in. We want to offer all believers opportunities to learn and grow in their faith. We are also a community of grace, love and understanding, and it is our calling to at all times extend that grace and love toward others, both inside and outside the walls of the church building.