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Meet the nominees for our two open positions on council. Our nominating committee was tasked, per our constitution, to select one candidate to put forward for each of the two positions we have open, President and Property. These are the candidates the committee selected based on those who expressed a desire or interest in stepping into those roles. While the nominating committee is only allowed to put forward one candidate for each position, anyone who wishes to run for any position on council may still do so and have their name included on the ballot. Simply let Liane Clark, our Congregational Vice President, head of the nominating committee, know on or before Thursday, Oct. 31 so your name will be printed on the ballots.

Candidate for Congregational President:

Steve Topp

Just as the congregation is the life blood of Crossroad Lutheran, so too the church council is the heartbeat and directional beacon of the congregation.

I became compelled to run for council for several reasons and here are the two most important:

  1. During Covid, I had the idea of using the government checks to help children in our congregation or in Fleming Island.  Pastor Ryan liked the idea and put me in touch with Blessings in a Backpack.  I brought Blessings to Crossroad and we have supported Swimming Pen Elementary for four years.  I was asked asked to join the Blessings Advisory Board because of my passion for Blessings.  I will bring that passion to the church council and congregation.
  2. Continue to use my 20 plus years experience as a business executive in finance  to assist in guiding the council in a doctrinal and productive path

I believe these qualities will serve the council and congregation in many ways.


Candidate for Property: Jon Jaeger

I feel compelled to serve as the church property team lead because it offers a meaningful way to give back to a community that has significantly shaped my life and allows me to serve God through stewardship. The church has been a cornerstone of support, faith, and fellowship, and I see this role as an opportunity to ensure that its physical space continues to be a welcoming and well-maintained environment for all. Additionally, my involvement in scouting has instilled in me a sense of duty and service, emphasizing the importance of stewardship and leadership. By combining these values, I can contribute not only to the church’s needs but also fulfill a spiritual calling to serve God by caring for His house. This role allows me to be a role model for others in the community, including young scouts who are learning the importance of service, faith, and responsibility.