The Kitchen of Clay County was started in 2009 and is currently run by Jenn Knight and her husband. Every 4th Saturday from 11-1pm Crossroad Lutheran members serve meals from the United Methodist church at 3529 Main Street near Middleburg Elementary. There is no registration involved. We bring the meats and cheeses plus 6 crockpots of soup which provides 175-200 meals. Additional food comes from “Waste Not Want Not” and from generous donors. Fifty percent of the meals are served to elderly also homeless and large families that have taken in displaced and homeless children. Approximately 200,000 meals were served last year compared to 6,000 during covid in 2021.
There is also a restaurant style location at Sacred Heart mission church across from the Green Cove Springs library and another drive through location at First Baptist of Orange Park on Kingsley. The drive through locations requires 6-7 volunteers: to take orders, deliver salads, drinks, main meals, and be a greeter. Teens can earn credit hours for Bright Future scholarships by volunteering and children 8 and older accompanied by an adult are welcome to help. What a wonderful way to feed God’s children whether by volunteering your time or volunteering as a family activity or by making a crockpot of soup. These are all good ways we can be followers of Jesus.